corporate brand

brand purpose

Defining a corporate purpose.

It can sometimes feel strange watching companies identify a need to define their ‘purpose’ as if they’d previously operated without one. Anyone who runs a company knows that the purpose of the company – first and foremost – is to make a profit. Without profit, the company ceases to exist. Ah, you say, it’s different […]

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CEOs beware!

When companies suffer reputation damage, what becomes of the CEO? And what can CEOs learn? Companies spend significant sums on understanding, building and protecting corporate brand and reputation but what of the CEOs leading these companies? Evidence suggests that corporate and CEO reputations are intrinsically linked but CEOs don’t always enjoy the same level of […]

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Kraft / Unilever – a story of two reputations

There’s a headline in the Telegraph today that just about sums up the collective response to Kraft’s proposed (and now withdrawn) takeover of Unilever. It reads ‘Kraft Heinz: how to lose a deal and irritate everyone’. From a reputation perspective, the moment I read about Kraft’s proposal, I thought, ‘what on earth are they thinking? This […]

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5 reputation management tips for 2016

  Plan for the fact that managing your CEO’s reputation is part of managing your corporate reputation. There are many examples that demonstrate how the behaviour of a CEO can serve as a catalyst for the unraveling of a corporate reputation, which in turn can lead to value destruction, loss of business and more (e.g. […]

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Give your brand the psychopath test

Following is a fantastic blog first featured on the WARC website and written by Faris Yakob. It reminds us of the great work of Stephen King who gave us the game changing insight that we humans append personality traits to everything, including brands. Can you describe your brand personality? Give your brand The Psychopath Test […]

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